5 Chess Puzzles For Beginners #1 [Rating: 0-1200] | Boost Your Beginner Skills with These 5 Fun Chess Puzzles


Chess puzzles, an integral part of chess training, offer players a captivating way to improve their skills while enjoying the game. These puzzles present specific scenarios on the chessboard and challenge players to find the most effective moves to achieve a particular objective. Beginner chess puzzles are easy to find on the internet. But do you need help understanding those puzzles??

This blog post will examine 5 beginner chess puzzles and understand their concept. This is the first part of the 5 Chess Puzzles For Beginners Series. So no further delay let's begin this journey.

Note: You can use the given FENs to analyze the chess puzzles

Puzzle 1 

[FEN: " 2kq1b1r/Qp1r2pp/4n3/2P2p2/5B2/8/P1P2PPP/1R4K1 b - - 0 1 "]

What we can see in this position is that our rook and queen are doubled on the d-file. White's back rank is vulnerable. This is a command situation for a back-rank mate.

Back rank mate is a checkmate pattern that happens when a king becomes imprisoned on the chessboard's back rank (or first rank) and cannot escape because its pieces obstruct its route. A queen or a rook will deliver this form of the mate.


1. Rd1+  Rxd1

2. Qxd1#

    Back Rank Mate

Puzzle 2 

[FEN:" 8/p6p/8/8/3k1r2/P1p1R3/P1K2P1P/8 b - - 0 1 "]

Mate-in-1 puzzles are simple, but this particular one is tricky.



Mate In 1

Puzzle 3 

[FEN:"  8/3N1p2/2p3kp/4B1p1/2P3P1/5r2/7K/8 w - - 0 1   "]

With a check, Black can obtain the pawn on f2, leaving the white rook undefended. Because it is a check, the white king cannot protect the rook, and black easily wins this game. 


1.Rxf2+ Kd1 (as an example)


                         Undefended Piece

Puzzle 4 

[FEN:"   6k1/p2p1pp1/2qP3p/8/2p2PQ1/PrP3P1/7P/4R1K1 w - - 0 29      "]

Black's pieces have left the king unsafe and easy to mate. But how can you find a solution for Mate in x type of problem?? Look for the "Check Captures & Threat"option.1.Re8+ is the lone tick in this place.[Qxg7+?? It doesn't make sense] The black king is compelled to play 1...Kh7. Look for checks again; 2.Qf5+ seems reasonable. Because the king has no options, he must play 2...g6. 3.Qxf7# ends the game.


1.Re8+  Kh7

2.Qf5+  g6


                                Mate in 3

Puzzle 5 

[FEN:" rnbqk1nr/pppp1ppp/4p3/b7/2P5/P1N5/1P1PPPPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 1 4         "]

The bishop on a5 is in a difficult position, and we can trap it with 1.b4, the bishop has just one move. 1...Bb6. Can we continue to attack the bishop? certainly, 2.c5. The helpless bishop is stuck because he lacks squares, 2...Bxc5. 3.bxc5. White is a piece up and can easily win.


1.b4 Bb6

2.c5 Bxc5 


                           Trapped Piece


In conclusion, chess puzzles are an excellent approach for beginners to improve their chess abilities while having fun. The puzzles described in this blog post featured distinct chessboard scenarios and pushed participants to determine the most effective moves to attain a specific goal.

We looked at five beginner chess puzzles, each with a distinct premise and solution. Back rank mate, mate-in-one, undefended pieces, & imprisoned pieces were among the tactical patterns discussed in these problems. Beginners can enhance their pattern identification, calculating skills, and overall grasp of chess strategy by completing these problems. Beginners should solve puzzles frequently since it helps them build critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. Chess puzzles may also be used to become acquainted with common tactical and strategic themes that appear regularly in games. Beginners may create a foundation of chess knowledge by comprehending and analyzing these puzzles, which will serve them well as they proceed in their chess adventure. So, keep solving problems, learning, and immersing yourself in the intriguing world of chess. Stay tuned for the next part of the "5 Chess Puzzles For Beginners Series" to help you further improve your chess abilities. 

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At ChessMastery, my mission is to provide high-quality chess content that is informative, engaging, and accessible to chess players of all ages and skill levels. Chess is not just a game but also a powerful tool for intellectual growth, strategic thinking, and personal development. I aim to empower chess enthusiasts by equipping them with the necessary tools, resources, and inspiration to become true chess masters.

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